PC Boot from BIOS


After BIOS load completed, the memory layout as the following table. If a bootable device found, the BIOS copy the IPL(Initial Program Loader) to 0x7c00 and JMP to 0x7c00.

The IPL is the MBR(the 1st sector) of a hard disk.

BIOS layout

BIOS Memroy Layout

Start End Size Description
0x00000 0x9FFFF 640K Lower 640K RAM
0xA0000 0xBFFFF 128K Video RAM
0xC0000 0xEFFFF 192K Other Device BIOS
0xF0000 0xFFFFF 64K System BIOS

Lower 640K RAM Layout

Start End Description
0x00000 0x003FF 1K Interrupt Vector
0x00400 0x07BFF User RAM
0x07C00 0x07DFF IPL 512 Bytes
0x07E00 0x9FFFF User RAM, 623104 Bytes(640KB - 0x7e00)